
Saturday, March 19, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Festival. . My Lucky Day!!

Last Saturday it was easier than what I thought it would be to get up at 5:30 am (when I usually sleep in)!!  The anticipation of what was to come at the festival got me moving quickly.  I had no idea what was going to unfold during the day.  Would my Lilly Lu's Collection be a hit or a miss?  Would I have enough merchandise to support the large St. Patty's crowd? Would people even notice me?  If I am busy, how will I handle it. . with ease?

Let me tell you. . . It was a FABULOUS day!!!  I left feeling so proud of myself and thinking "Hey, I've really got something here!"  I was amazed at the local support, the people coming out that had seen me on Facebook, and the new customers that I acquired.  It was such a successful day.  I received such positive feedback, great suggestions for future creations, and had some great laughs with some great people!  It will be for sure a day to remember.  With one festival under my belt, I am now anxiously getting ready for Mayfest, May 7 from 10-6!!  I am also very excited about the chance to start giving some private parties with my collection!!  Thank you everyone for your support!  Here are some pictures from the festival:
My mother and I. . . she was so sweet to help me for the day!  Thank you to Anna and Kirby from A Pair of Kings for getting this great picture!!

Cindy and her amazing family came by to support!!  Her daughter bought the headband right off my head! : )

My brother Jack was my little leprechaun helper throughout the day.

The best leprechaun of the day.